The PASEO 2022 Festival
Internship Program
Engagement in STEAM Programming
With funding from Nina’s Fund, the LANL Foundation, and local donors Meredith Garcia and Richard Harlan, the Paseo Project continued its work in creating an education program to build pathways to careers with workshops and paid internships in event production and technical arts training, offered to northern New Mexicans aged 16 - 25.
The six-week program was designed to incorporate both active Festival support work, intertwined with educational elements to ensure the interns acquired the skills necessary to succeed in the position.
Through this program, interns:
Learned technical skills with engagement in STEAM programming to understand the benefits of the Arts in relationship with Science, Technology and Math
Gained background knowledge in a variety of careers within the arts and non-profit sector
Practiced interpersonal skills by developing workplace responsibility and positive work habits and attitudes
Built a network of contacts and established professional contacts for future employment and mentoring
Gained worksite experience with responsibilities through an inspiring, dynamic and paid job
Thanks to the TCA, Nina’s Fund, the LANL Foundation,
and local donors Meredith Garcia and Richard Harlan
for supporting our education programs!
Our 2022 Interns
Amber Bigbee
Rozz Sanchez
Samka Breeze-Heron
Eelatsoii Muskrat
Over the course of several weeks, all four interns came together at the Taos Center for the Arts to attend a series of workshops aimed at training the youth in technical production principles commonly used at The PASEO.
Principles of Projection: Technical workshop learning the principles of video projection. In this interactive, hands-on workshop Interns connected with local tech production professionals to better understand video projection systems.
Principles of Lighting: Technical workshop learning the principles of sound. In this interactive, hands-on workshop Interns connected with local tech production professionals to better understand the science of light and lighting systems.
Principles of Sound: Technical workshop learning the principles of sound. In this interactive, hands-on workshop. Interns connected with local tech production professionals to better understand the science of sound and sound systems.

Creating new Connections
To wrap up the internship and to inspire continued interests, Meow Wolf Production Manager, Christopher MacQueen, came up to Taos to share with the interns his own trajectory from growing up to Taos to being a part of the Meow Wolf team. MacQueen shared valuable advice and opportunities for the youth to gain new skills and experiences - right here in New Mexico. (and bringing free tickets and Meow Wolf swag was a nice treat too!)