The PASEO 2024
Internship Program
Engagement in STEAM
With funding from the J3 Fund, the LOR Foundation, and local donors, the Paseo Project continues its work in creating an education program to build pathways to careers with workshops and paid internships in event production and technical arts training, offered to northern New Mexicans aged 16 - 25.
The multi-week program was designed to incorporate both active Festival support work, intertwined with educational elements to ensure the interns acquired the skills necessary to succeed in the position.
Through this program, interns:
Learned technical skills with engagement in STEAM programming to understand the benefits of the Arts in relationship with Science, Technology and Math
Gained background knowledge in a variety of careers within the arts and non-profit sector
Practiced interpersonal skills by developing workplace responsibility and positive work habits and attitudes
Built a network of contacts and established professional contacts for future employment and mentoring
Gained worksite experience with responsibilities through an inspiring, dynamic and paid job
The 2024 Internship Program is supported by The Taos Center for the Arts
The Healy Foundation, and the J3 Fund
Our 2024 Interns
Petra Balsley
Julian Collignon
Jose Cortez
Adelaide Driver
Chiara Kozlovich
Lucinda Nichols
Izzy Ratliff
Amaris Sanchez
Supporting Artists
Throughout the summer, interns assisted visiting artists in the creation of site-specific installations, performances, and projects. From hands-on building to event production, the interns provided much needed support for the program - while working closely with professional artists.
Supporting Community Partners
The interns worked with local arts organizations in events and organizational support. Working directly with partners establishes new connections and opportunities - and it’s just a lot of fun.