Ashley Willock & Karreell Blackman
Taos, New Mexico
“Taste of Carnival” | Participatory Roaming Light and Sound Experience
Over the years, Carnival has been reduced to a big street party, however there is so much more historical and cultural depth than meets the eye. The goal of this project is to give the community a glimpse into the historical developments, cultural significance and a taste of a true carnival experience. We hope that attendees have a deeper understanding of, appreciation and respect for the Caribbean Carnival.
Although the origin is obscure, the interplay of the various cultural influences, political and social changes of the time, contributed to the evolution of Carnival. The carnival we know today is a demonstration of freedom. It is a unique festival because “it incorporates the fine arts, street theatre, artistic and musical social organization, spectator participation, political commentary, spectacle and fantasy” (Charleston Carifest, The History of Caribbean Carnival).
The nature of carnival corresponds perfectly with what The PASEO represents; it is “immersive, site-responsive, participatory, and will make a dynamic impact”. We are also offering an art workshop for community members called “Mas Camp” which is a carnival costume workshop where community members are led through the process of creating a costume, culminating in a mini parade. Hence, we present to you Taste of Carnival- a glimpse into the history and developments. Typical of any carnival, designers respond to a theme that guides their creative expression. Accordingly, we are responding to The PASEO’s theme The Terrestrial.