Axle Contemporary
Santa Fe, New Mexico
“Potato” | Interactive Installation
Potato is a small outdoor workshop with printmaking and soup. Attendees are invited to carve designs on raw potatoes, using basic printmaking techniques. Tools, potatoes, and instruction will be provided. Several different “inks” will be available. The inks will be food-based: Tumeric, cumin, chile, beets, and spirulina. Two prints are made from each potato: One for the participant, one hung for display. The potato “block” is then sliced and added to a pot of soup cooking on a propane stove. All participants are Invited to share in the resulting (free!) food. This will be presented on the opening evening only.
About the artist: Axle Contemporary was founded in 2010 by artists Matthew Chase-Daniel and Jerry Wellman, as a collaborative work of art, and an innovative vehicle for arts distribution. It has since grown beyond the confines of the mobile exhibition space, and also includes forays into book publishing, and alternative venues for expanded and creative art exhibition