The PASEO 2016
September 23 & 25, 2016. Featuring a full weekend of daytime and nighttime events and happenings.
PASEO 2016 offered Daytime @ The PASEO, with a lecture series featuring visiting and local artists. A PASEO after-party featured PASEO artists, local DJ’s and dancing till dawn.
PASEO 2016 Installations
The Illuminator
Blink | Merche Blasco-Ashcan Orchestra
Silent Disco
Listening to Trees | Adrienne Adar
ThreeDeep | Art Lab @ UNM
Motion Play | Twirl
Sand Rays | Bert Benally
Attic Windows | Leah Buechley
RGB.VGA.VOLT HD | James Connolly
Captured Atmosphere | Gil, Herruzo, & Sanchez
Radio Confessional | Parker Jennings
Ark | MySquare, Francois Montcarey
Car Pool | Elizabeth Orr
oK.v005_becoming | Joerg Staeger
Intelligent Dance Floor X | MySquare: Ramona Allschul
Intangible Sites | Lionel Cruet
Phone Booth | Dosshaus
VJ Suave | VJ Suave VS OMAI
Raspao | Alexandra Gelis
Bodies in Urban Spaces | Cie. Willi Dorner, a dance company
ROAM | Julie Lebersat
Matter of Memory | Hector Leiva
Nomis | Jonathan Sparks