Claire Cote & Anna Keleher
Questa, New Mexico
“IF YOU'D LIKE TO ... (TAOS OFF-GRID)” | Interactive Mobile Piece
‘If you’d like to….’ is a mobile, solar-powered audio installation to be enjoyed by people of all ages. Its strong adaptive potentials allow it to survive diverse habitats and climates. Part pet, part machine, part interactive sculpture, ‘If you’d like to….Taos Off-Grid’ offers local participants a series of site-specific invitations encouraging new perspectives and empathetic leaps into potential past, present and future worlds. Based on the familiar phone options format, this fun, participatory piece flexes imaginations to re-jig patterns of thought and culture into new and surprising “off-grid” constellations for the 21st Century.
About the artist: Claire’s art and education work takes her on adventures in nature as well as into classrooms and galleries. She is the founder of LEAP (Land, Experience and Art of Place), co-organizer of SEED, and co-curator at OCHO Art & Event Space in Questa. Born and raised north of Questa, Claire now lives in the “sagebrush ocean” of Sunshine Valley with her husband and daughter in their off-grid home. Anna is a prize-winning
British artist and an associate of Encounters Arts, developing projects for societal and ecological change. Claire and Anna have worked together since 2007. Together, they collaborate with people, places, creatures and things creating works to inform and enrich our lives and cultures. Their practice evolved in Dartmoor National Park, Devon and has expanded to inhabit the highly contrasted ecologies of their native British Isles and New Mexico, as well as other international locations.