Flinching Eye Collective
Denver, Colorado and beyond
“Ideophonetic” | Disruptive Performance
“Ideophonetic” centers on disruptions and re-fabrications in sound, via the transformation of sound, image, and space, through the use of technology and human presence. From a desire to re-imagine what art space and direct participation can be, the FEC blends digital, analog, modern and vintage technology in a modular art experience, thus allowing an interactive and immersive personal encounter, blurring the line between performer and viewer or artist and community. Through modified weed whippers, amped sewing machines, video, balloons, heart-monitors, and other devices, the FEC focuses on the relationship between the performers and the audience, thereby stretching the edges of contemporary performance.
Originating in Colorado in 2011, the Flinching Eye Collective is a roaming performance project made up of several artists who work collaboratively at the intersections of sound and various technology. FEC’s live actions incorporate elements of improvisation, indeterminacy, philosophical playfulness and media archeology. While building compositions out of saw blades or sewing machines, or using the human body as an electrical conduit, listening becomes a key element of their enactments. Accentuating the awkward and humorous collapse of instruments, tools and ideas during many of their performances provokes a sense of urgency and potential failure at every turn.