Harlan Emil Gruber
Oakdale, New York
“1:44 Turquoise Portal” | Interactive Installation
The 1:44 Turquoise Portal is a 17 foot stellated dodecahedron constructed of plywood, wood and steel with an open interior space accessible to participants. It is painted four subtly different shades of turquoise, ranging from greenest at the bottom to bluest at top to represent the transition from the heart chakra to the higher heart chakra. The interior floor is painted indigo to connect to the third eye/brow chakra. This space is able to accommodate groups of people to experience the Portal and to interact with each other.
Housed under the floor is the Quasar Wave Transducer: a subsonic non-linear dynamic analog feedback device sound sculpture that produces randomly varying low frequencies in the range of the Earth’s Schumann resonance and human brain waves to activate the Portal experience. It also signifies that the geometric shape is a vibrational energy pattern, as well.
Previous Portal installations have utilized a variety of geometrical shapes in their design. The stellated dodecahedron shape utilized for this one is a culmination of the previous designs as explained in this quote:
“The Stellated Dodecahedron holds the template of all the preceding templates expressed as geometric forms. It is an expression and model of integrated completion and coherent unity of all the foundational templates. The Stellated Dodecahedron stimulates us to evolve into self-realized conscious awareness with our open heart and with high levels of impeccability, self-responsibility and integrity. It also helps us integrate and harmonize a true group unity.”
-Ronald L. Holt (http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/jul3/holt.htm)
The intention of this installation, as with all of the Portal installations, is to be a key to shifting the Earth into the net vibrational dimension, as well as a multi-dimensional vibrational energy body alignment tool to assist in the evolution of consciousness.
About the artist: Harlan Emil Gruber (b. Jan. 14, 1959, NY) has combined his interest in science and art to shape a respected design career. He studied Physics at Emory University and Electrical Engineering at Georgia Tech and University of Miami, Harlan Emil subsequently received a degree in the field of Environmental Design from Parson School of Design, New York (1985). Mr. Gruber worked for the design firm SITE Projects of New York before launching his independent career in 1987.
In 1996 Harlan Emil moved part time to Taos, New Mexico, while still living part time in New York. He relocated to California in 2010, living in Oakland, Grass Valley and now Joshua Tree.
He has been attending the Burning Man festival in Nevada since 1999, creating large scale interactive sculptures for it since 2003, both on his own and in collaboration with other artists. He has become deeply committed to the vision of Burning Man, as it’s the focus of the transformation of our current world paradigm, and works to bring this transformation to as many people as possible. He has exhibited these installations at many events and festivals around the world.