Twirl 2018
Taos, NM
“Colorful Cosmos” | A mandala-making installation
The artist: Twirl is a play and discovery space in Taos, working to engage our youngest community members and families through hands-on creative explorations that inspire wonder and imagination. This piece was created by Twirl-ers, Nina Silfverberg, Anais Rumfelt and Nikki Ross.
About the art: Twirl will explore the universe through a multi-faceted approach to the art of the Mandala, a symbolic representation of the cosmos. Using a diversity of materials to play creatively with geometry, color, and pattern, the Twirl courtyard will become a living art hive as
visitors contribute to a multidimensional community installation… a macro mandala in PLAY SPACE.
Paseo location: Twirl courtyard, 225 Camino de la Placita, across from Guadalupe Church