Juanita J. Lavadie, Olivia Romo & David Garcia
Taos and Espanola, NM
“SPINNING WITH WATER WISDOM” | Interactive Installation
Acequias were the life force of the existence of Spanish-speaking settlements of early 1500-600 CE. The irrigation water was shared within villages through a democratic process of voice, work and water share. Crops could be grown, families could be fed and wisdom of survival skills were passed on through generations of dichos, songs, and story talk.
Spinning stories within the intimate circle of listeners, cuentistas/story tellers created images in the imagination, union in song and consejos/advice in the telling. Using hand made tools, spinners would quietly spin, listening. Letting nothing go to waste, recycled cloth was spun into yards and yards of ropes and cords that were most often plaited or woven into mats and coverings, the result of group cooperation and effort.
Un dicho: “En días de sobrevivir, las lenguas en rezo y las mano hacienda.”
[Approximate translation: Days of survival do not favor idle hands and minds.]
In collaboration with: Taos Valley Acequia Association, Judy Torres & Taos youth
Taos & Española, NM
An Acequia Aqui Featured Artist: Sponsored by The LOR Foundation
About the Artists: JUANITA J. LAVADIE is a retired public school teacher of bilingual and art education. She has numerous textiles in permanent collections of various museums. She is also an active acequiera and had worked collaboratively with acequia water rights and the Taos Valley Acequia Association. OLIVIA ROMO has been active with state-wide acequias through the New Mexico Acequia Association. She is also an active poet presenting at national Cowboy Poetry conferences and has published her work. DAVID GARCÍA is a UNM PhD Music Scholar and luthier. He is known for his participation in community events, gracing such gatherings with his melodic voice in song, sharing his compositions that celebrate Northern New Mexico traditions.