The Paseo Project Internship Program
The Paseo Project’s internship program builds pathways to careers with paid positions and workshops in event production and technical arts training offered to northern New Mexicans aged 16 – 25.
Applications open soon for 2025

Be a Part of The Paseo Team.
This program is designed to incorporate both active PASEO Festival support work, intertwined with educational elements to ensure the interns acquire the skills necessary to succeed in the position. The internship program is part-time hours, and includes training and mentorship. Leading up to the PASEO festival, interns support the staff , and are required to be available on-site during all Festival hours. The final week following the event, interns assist in breakdown, debrief, and reporting.
Alongside the Festival Internship Program, we have a few unique summer intern opportunities open to work with an artist in residence that leads up to the PASEO Internship and Festival. Positions will be paid.
As part of the Internship Program and in partnership with the Taos Center for the Arts, we are excited to introduce a series of workshops designed around technical production principles commonly used at The PASEO.
These workshops are open for free to Taos County residents aged 16 – 25.
Workshops to be announced in May. Advance registration is requested. Below are examples of 2022 workshops held in collaboration with the Taos Center for the Arts:
Principles of Projection
Technical workshop learning the principles of video projection. In this interactive, hands-on workshop Intens connected with local tech production professionals to better understand video projection systems. Workshop covered projection applications and screen selection, equipment set up and care, overview of lumens and projector types, as well as ‘producing’ their own mock up projection event.
Principles of Lighting
Technical workshop learning the principles of sound. In this interactive, hands-on workshop Intens connected with local tech production professionals to better understand the science of light and lighting systems typically used for event productions. Workshop covered light applications and lens selection, equipment set up and care, overview of styles and techniques and lighting and bulb types, as well as ‘producing’ their own mock up event.
Principles of Sound
Technical workshop learning the principles of sound. In this interactive, hands-on workshop Intens connected with local tech production professionals to better understand the science of sound and sound systems typically used for a professional event. Workshop covered sound applications and equipment selection, equipment set up and care, as well as ‘producing’ their own mock up projection event.
As part of a small organization, interns gain invaluable insight into the day-to-day workings of a contemporary non-profit arts organization. In addition to working on meaningful, engaging projects with The Paseo Projects’s staff, interns engage in the research and development of visiting artists and installations, as well as behind the scenes of the inner-workings of a contemporary art festival. Internships will take place on-site at the Paseo HUB (offices) and conclude with the production of the annual PASEO Festival.
The Paseo Project internship program prepares Taos youth for career pathways in event production, strengthening economic development opportunities for an underserved population in our community. Interns gain hands-on experience to build upon skills learned in the classroom.
Through this program, interns will be:
Mastering technical skills with engagement in STEAM programming to understand the benefits of the Arts in relationship with Science, Technology and Math
Gaining background knowledge in a variety of careers within the arts and non-profit sector
Perfecting interpersonal skills by developing workplace responsibility and positive work habits and attitudes
Building a network of contacts and establishing professional contacts for future employment and mentoring
Worksite experience with responsibilities through an inspiring, dynamic and paid summer job
Applications open February 9 and close April 10th. All youth aged 16 – 25 and living in Taos County are welcome to apply. Finalists will be asked in for an interview. Accepted Interns will need a reliable mode of transportation, a cell phone, and access to a computer.
Experience and Expectations: No previous experience or education necessary, but applicants should have an interest in art, arts writing and publishing, research, curatorial practices and/or design. Additionally, applicants should be independent yet collaborative, dependable, organized, and passionate.
2023 Internship Dates and Details
The Paseo Project will work with each intern to create a schedule and meeting times that work for all. Internships are fully paid. Stipend amount is contingent on hours and responsibilities.
Application Deadline: March 27, 2023 at 11:59 PM MST
Please apply by uploading your resume and cover letter.
Submit all materials as a single PDF, file naming convention: 2022Internship_LastNameFirst Name.pdf
If you foresee any accessibility barriers with applying for these internships, please contact Amber Vasquez ( for accommodations.